We believe the church isn't a building you go to, it’s a family you belong to!


Gold Wedding Rings



The Columbia Congregational Church is a beautiful place for your wedding.  We offer a picturesque country setting, a center aisle sanctuary, ample parking and an outstanding organ and piano.  Please contact the church office (860) 228-9306 to make an appointment to speak with our pastor.



Select the Date
We recommend that couples who wish to be married at the Columbia Congregational Church to make their plans as far in advance as possible.

Meet With Our Pastor
One or more meetings with our pastor will be required.  Your first appointment with the pastor will be about four to six months before your wedding.  The pastor will meet with you to talk about your marriage and to help you plan the ceremony.

A date and time for the wedding rehearsal will be set when you meet with the pastor and have returned your application and deposit.  Please be sure that your entire wedding party is on time for the rehearsal.

Our Sanctuary 
The sanctuary can hold up to 200 guests.  The sanctuary has a pipe organ and piano.

The church music director will be happy to discuss the music for your wedding ceremony.

Photography and Videographer 
Please ask your photographer or videographer to check with the pastor about the church’s guidelines.  Our simple request is that they do not distract from the ceremony in any way.

Other Details
Please do not throw rice or confetti.
Columbia Congregational Church is smoke free and alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the church premises.

Marriage License 
Please bring your license to the wedding rehearsal.

The fee for weddings at Columbia Congregational Church is $200.00.

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