We believe the church isn't a building you go to, it’s a family you belong to!

New Visitors

Columbia Congregational Church strives to be a warm and welcoming community and we hope you will decide to visit!

j0384832Sunday Worship at Columbia Congregational Church begins at 10:00 AM.  When you arrive you will be welcomed by ushers at the entrance to the sanctuary.  They will provide you with a bulletin outlining the order of service.  Children’s bulletins are also available.  Children attend worship until after the Children’s Message when they leave for their Church School classes with the school teachers.  New children are welcome to join one of the Sunday school classes.  Classes are available for all ages and are located in the same building.

As you enter the sanctuary, you may sit anywhere you wish.  Hymnals and Bibles are available in each pew.  During the service a voluntary offering is taken.  Should you wish to make an offering, envelopes are available in the pews.  The money received is used to support the many programs that make up the mission and ministry of Columbia Congregational and the UCC Conference. 

At the conclusion of the service, you may greet the pastor at the back of the church and join us for a weekly Coffee Hour in the Fellowship Hall.

Columbia Congregational Church celebrates the sacrament of Communion on the first Sunday of each month.  On Communion Sundays, our weekly coffee hour is a Loaves & Fishes theme where everyone brings a snack or drink to share (enough to feed 8 -12).

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