We believe the church isn't a building you go to, it’s a family you belong to!

 Sunday Worship


Worship begins at 10:00 am every Sunday.  We strive for thought provoking services with a mix of humor.  Our Pastor does a wonderful job of bringing the Bible to life for our congregation.  The wealth of knowledge allows for sharing the background information that will explain the hows and whys behind the scripture readings. The first Sunday of each month is Communion Sunday and all are welcome to partake, regardless of what denomination you are.  We each practice serving each other in the way we pass the platter to the next person and serve on the way back to the aisle. We encourage the children to partake in the Children’s Sermon, which always leaves us open for a few surprises.  We allow the children to bring forth their Joys and Concerns just like the adults so we can include their prayers with ours.

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