We believe the church isn't a building you go to, it’s a family you belong to!

How to Join

How do I get started?

The best way to get started is to come visit our church for worship service, fellowship and meet our church family and pastor.  If you find that you are interested in becoming a member you can speak with our pastor or call the church for more information.  You can also indicate your interest by checking the appropriate box on the registration/friendship pads that are passed through the pews during Sunday worship.

What is the process?

Classes usually last 2-3 weeks and meet once a week during the evening.  Talk to our pastor or any of the deacons and we will let you know when the next class will be offered.

What does it cost?

We find that our spiritual journeys are enriched and supported by regular church attendance and involvement.  We believe it is important to support the church with our time, our talents, and our treasure.  Members support the mission and ministry of the church to whatever degree they are able.  We understand our giving to be an expression of our gratitude to God.

Do I have to join to be part of the church?

No.  Many folks participate in the life of our faith community without becoming a member.  Nevertheless, most of us find that our experience becomes deeper and richer for having made the commitment of membership.  You cannot serve on boards and committees without being a member.

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